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“…all the students enjoyed your energy, story and passion, and you were clearly voted one of the top speakers. Statements such as “have more speakers like Famous Dave” are echoed on many evaluations. I asked the students to tell me what they learned at camp that they have been able to use in school or life. One student gave a great example on how you impacted her life. Here is the response from a student at Forest Lake Senior High School: thanks to Famous Dave, a marvelous public speaker and very motivating, stated that no matter what you are being paid you should always work as if you are making more. I am only making $6.70, and before going to camp I was very discouraged about my income. After I returned from camp, I began to work as if I was making twenty dollars an hour. Before I knew it, I was moved to the sales floor where I have the ability to make commissions, and interact with people on a professional level. The position is more promising for my future…”